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Old 12-02-08, 09:08 PM   #265
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Originally Posted by h.sie
Originally Posted by Mikhayl
Oh ok, well you can put a ship dead stopped in the editor and set its first waypoint to its max speed, so you just have to start timing as the mission starts ? Maybe there's others ways to do it, I'm not too savvy with the mission editor except placing units & basic waypoints.
worth to try it out, thank you. i didn't know that one can assign a speed to a waypoint....but i will see......
You can do some neat stuff with mission Editor.
A usually use it to do Stunt flying for aircraft!
I'll script 5 aircraft flying in a wedge and have them increase speed and
start a split as they climb!

It's awesome to watch!
Sometimes I add Smoke in different colors just
for the thrill!
FPS really takes a hit but it's so Danged COOL!!

Here's an early example of Stunt Flying.

Last edited by Madox58; 12-02-08 at 09:13 PM.
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