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Old 11-06-08, 06:16 PM   #8
Big Scouse
Posts: n/a
Default Aaaaaaaaaargh!

I am just about tearing my chuffing hair out and getting thoroughly hacked off with this, I started to play SHIII a while ago, could'nt get my head round it and binned it, recently another player convinced me to give it another try which I did, started to understand more and so played career mode I managed to complete all the Wilhemshaven patrols, gained enough renown to upgrade my boat which I did, and my base port was changed to Brest, sailed on five patrols from there and every time it crashed!, my oppo said something about a snag if there was an A/S Trawler in the vicinity and reccomended that I try downloading GWX2, after much hunting around the net (he never gave me a link ) I found the homepage, made my donation and downloaded the mod, deleted my SHIII and reloaded it with the 1.4 patch and ran GWX exe.......and some of the files are corrupted I cannot get back to the download page without making another donation to re-download the corrupt files......I am a bit wary of making another donation when the download was corrupt so am stymied.............


Last edited by Big Scouse; 11-06-08 at 06:17 PM.
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