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Old 10-27-08, 07:57 PM   #788
Lucky Jack
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Achtung Achtung!

The Lolwaffles take to the sky again, well, mostly the ground, but that's another story.

Todays first mission had them up over the Petsamo bridge! Together, armed with their trusty 109s, they had to intercept the might of the Soviet P40. With newcomer Taskforce in their midst, Kratos, Oberon and Hunter set off on their patrol waypoints. It wasn't long before the Russians showed. Hunter and Oberon peeled off to engage the first wave, Oberon got behind one and opened fire, however one in turn got behind him and opened fire. His ailerions must have been shot up because after his split-S, he was unable to maintain altitude, and ploughed into a field at speed.
With Oberon down, Hunter set to work chasing after a VTOL P-40 whose pilot seemed to be a ex-stunt pilot who threw his P-40 around the air in ways that defied all known laws of aerodynamics, gravity and common sense. However, despite this witchcraft, he was soon taken down:

Taskforce meanwhile had taken down one P-40 and had his sights on another, as did another 109 piloted by the AI, Taskforce took a no-nonsense approach to the problem and shot the P-40 through the 109, thus shooting both down.

On the return to base, Hunter regailed the pilots with German nursery songs, thus prompting Kratos to ask if Hunter could whistle....

Hunter: You cheeky git...

Upon returning to the airfield, Hunter put down first, so Taskforce took an overflight of the runway, buzzing the tower....

Schultz: Das ist gut, I has mein favourite hat from die kubelwagon...vait...vot vas zat noise?

Schultz has now refused to broadcast from within the control tower, preferring instead to do his ATC from the Fuhrer bunker...this has lead to some unfortunate side effects to the German war machine...

After Taskforce destroyed the control tower, Kratos landed, barely as the Lolwaffles were Lolling so hard they nearly passed out, and we moved to the second mission. (Taskforce managed to achieve a score of -290 for this mission )

A bombing run on a Russkie airbase! Oberon groaned inwardly as he climbed into his airstart Ju88, destined for destruction, or so he thought.
Taking a circular route down through the clouds before the target area, Oberon followed Hunter in and dropped his bombs in the vague direction of a I-16 which Hunter had missed in his initial pass. He completely missed it, but the damage must have knocked it out somehow as it was destroyed by Taskforce's pass. Which didn't go particularly well, a stall and a crash into the runway followed, closely followed by Kratos...Guess which two pilots forgot to turn their airbrakes off after diving from 4000m?

With Kratos and Taskforce down, Oberon and Hunter returned to base without much further incidence, Hunter landing and losing his tail wheel on landing, so as Hunter was unable to move off the runway, Oberon took the taxiway.

Last edited by Oberon; 10-28-08 at 06:25 AM.
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