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Old 06-19-08, 09:38 AM   #973
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Originally Posted by dyshman
Hi! I often read this topic and your discussion. its very interesting, but i see, that only Gorshkov speek russian here. i from Belarus and speek russian better then english and spanish(hablo espñol un poco). I can read some russian web-sites and translate some pages in english if you want!))
with my friends playing in DW with ReinforseAlert Addon (by crazy ivan). we can use such playable units as virginia, 677-lada, alfa, viktor3, trafalgar, delta4, ohio, udaloi. if you want enjoy to our battles.
(sorry for my gr. mistakes))

It would be very appreciated because I don't have much time to surf on Internet. So if you want, you should first scour Russian military and naval forums like for instance. I am sure there are many interesting facts about current Russian naval weapon and shipbuilding programs discussed in such places, often by Russian specialists and sailors. Thus we wiil get first hand informations about real state of interesting for us affairs like those what weapons are in fact on-board Russian ships now, domestic and export weapon nomenclature, real torpedo parameters and more.

For example I read yesterday that one guy had mentioned there USET-80 torpedo is designated TE-2 for export purposes. Later I looked on TE-2 data in Rosobronexport Export Catalogue 2003 and discovered this torpedo is optionally wire-guided one which is widely questioned fact by many people here on Subsim forum!

TE-2 (USET-80) 533.4 mm heavyweight torpedo - electrically powered multipurpose weapon existing in three variants TE-2-01 (mechanical data input for older subs), TE-2-02 (electric data input integrated with sub's targeting system), TE-2-03 (much improved version). Now I desribe third and most modern variant: length 8.1 m, weight 2400 kg, warhead 250 kg (this is 450 kg of TNT equivalent), two max. speed settings 33 (+/-3) kts and 48(+/-2) kts, weapon range 30 km in first mode and 20 km in second mode, max. target depth 600 m, magnetic proximity detonator instad of acoustic one, command wire coil can be added separately.

Last edited by Gorshkov; 06-19-08 at 11:21 AM.
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