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Old 05-27-08, 04:20 PM   #156
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Nice explosion

Ok (super)man, one by one:
1. For my taste the explosion above looks wonderful.
2. The smoke, indeed, should be darker with more volume.
3. Why you feel oblige to do pennants? Flags are more than enough. And people wont flags. Go to RB thread for flags and pennants and look how many people wait for that.
The key-word is personalisation: flags are like skins for U-boot. You can see how many visitors to skins threads, because they can personalise the U-boot. And flags go in the same way. (Same for uniforms —Venatore is Great— but less popular than skins.)
4. As far as concern the sound for lifeboats I can't say something, I took out the folder anyway, I don't wont it. Remember, I am not the target public, I stay definitely in OLCE 1.7 (with tweaked underwater visibility, thanks S3D) with the original GWX sh3.sdl.

Thanks again for your effort. Hope the best for you.
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