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Old 05-15-08, 06:32 PM   #626
Azrael Valedhel
Join Date: May 2008
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Originally Posted by onelifecrisis
Well I've got red contact lines for warships in my game, and as this was a very simple change I'm a bit confused by your feedback, so I have to ask obvious questions:
Which version of the Ubermod are you using?
Do you have any other mods installed?
I can understand that... Obvious things are not always obvious to everybody
Rubini's Water Streams - yes, installed in a proper way (although I presume it has nothing to do with the issue). By the time I wrote that post I still had "OLC Ubermod 2.1.1" - then I updated to 2.1.2 (btw the fix seems to be working with no further issues ) and after doing that I ran the game to make a screenshot of the map with black warship hydrophone contact line (man, that's one hella long sentence^^) and what I saw was... Red line :hmm:
And yes, the lines were all black before, I'm sure of that. I was sneaking into english port to send 10000BRT Modern Tanker to the bottom (actually I didn't know it will be there, I would just sink any big ship there^^), and after doing that I was slowly disappearing with all those armed traulers and destroyers all over me... and the lines were black. Another example would be Scapa Flow, a bunch of Royal Navy - not one red line, all black... But whatever - it seems to work now, so lets just forget it.

Nice sun!!! Do you have an ATI card? I have an NVidia BFG GSX 8800 and only geta sun like a dot
I have 8800 card, and I get the flat sun too. At least when using AA. Shift+PgUp gets the sun nice and shiny (the "bloom feature") - but it disables AA. If you ask me - it's such a minor issue... especially if you play mainly without external camera.
With regards.

Last edited by Azrael Valedhel; 05-15-08 at 07:34 PM.
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