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Old 04-11-08, 11:29 AM   #2
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by Kaleu. Jochen Mohr
il do that
right now im uploading another of my "better" career... next im going to play a but more realistic

say Dowly, how do you aim then ? i mean i can use the sight in the cockpitview on the BF109, but i suck at the view of the FW
I use 200m converge on both MG and cannon as I have both guns binded to my #1 trigger on the joystick. I cant really say how I aim, you learn it. After awhile you know when to aim abit down/up of the target. Just keep testing! Make a mission with the quick mission builder with 1 enemy and make it's loadout 'empty' so it cant shoot you, practice practice practice.

It's all about experience and the gut feeling you learn. For example, I know the exact point when I need to drop my bomb on a low level raid, just by a gut feeling. Try to imagine the trail of the bullets/bombs. I've used this in many games, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Call of Duty. Once you learn it, you know when to fire and when it's just a waste of bullets. I can possibly upload a mission or 2 from my JG53 Coop sorties where you see me holding my fire until I'm in good position. But that's for tomorrow.
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