Thread: IL2 1946 Boring
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Old 04-09-08, 08:00 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Dowly
Originally Posted by XabbaRus
The on issue I have with BOB:SOW is that Maddox seems to be detailing things like the suspension on a truck and individual blades of grass. So much so you'll need a fast machine to play it on low settings. I saw the model of teh Spitfire and see how they have made a detailed 3d model of the engine. That to me sucks up FPS and would be better spent on the AI. I won't be able to upgrade my machine anytime soon and though it is a 3.2 GHz P4 and I could expand its RAM to 4GB and I have decent GFX I wonder if it will be enough to fly SOW when it comes out.
Very true. And IL2's engine isnt known for it ability to run smoothly when lots of planes are in the air... and the game is almost 10 years old in few years.
I am sure that you know this but I feel it needs stressing that BoB SOW uses an entirely new game engine, not just a tweaked upgrade of the IL2 1946 engine. When I spoke with Oleg at a sim show in the UK he implied that it has always been his embition to dynamically model engine internals to make complex engine management, wear & tear, oil leaks and damage modelling under fire, as realistic as possible. He wants to get as near to a true simulator as possible, within the limits imposed by hardware and effective game play. As far as I know he is putting far less focus on moving blades of grass etc, and in any case that kind of thing can be modelled by collective alogorythms anway - like seagull flight in SH II & IV - so it need not eat CPU cycles quite as much as it seems likely to at first.

I just hope that we are all going to be very pleased with BoB when it finally arrives after such a long development period and that it will not prove to be a beta, after we have waited for it for so long . . . . .
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