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Old 04-05-08, 12:03 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Dutch
Hey I've looked around and I was wondering if anyone was working or thinking about working on an atlantic theater mod for 1.5. I like everything about SH4 but I don't want to buy the add-on unless I'm going to play in the atlantic with a U-boat. Its just personally preferance of course, I'm sure the game is good and I'm also certain that a mod of that caliber would be very difficult indeed, or maybe just switching something around I wouldn't know.

I would love to see SH3 in the SH4 engine. Then this truly would be the greatest of all subsims. The pacific for players who like playing the americans. The atlantic for those who would enjoy the germans.
It's a given that SOME here at the subsim forums will have, and express, the opinions stated in the replies to the op thus far. So, I will ask one of the original questions posed by "Dutch" in much the same way . . .

Is there anyone out there, who is CURRENTLY working on a conversion of SH3 (with SH4 graphics) or who personally knows of someone else that is?

The question is pretty much a simple one. Any of the following will do if an elaboration on a straight up "yes or no" is felt necessary. . .

"Yes, I am currently working on an SH3 conversion."

"Yes, I personally know of someone who is currently working on an SH3 conversion."

"No, I am not myself, nor do I personally know of, anyone who is currently working on an SH3 conversion."

Of course elaboration and opinions are all fine and well, this is a forum. But how about answering the original question? :hmm:

Enquiring minds want to know. Why the need for all the tap dancing?

No doubt it will be a "big job". But the longest journey begins with a single step, so, has anyone gotten started on this beast????? Anybody personally know of anyone who has????? :hmm:

I would have thought that someone amongst those who adamantly justified the Uboat addon because of the SH3 conversion possibility it would provide (among other possibilities as well) would have been chomping at the bit to get started. :hmm:

If I may quote another subsim member anonymously, "Just saying . . ."
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