Thread: I suck at this!
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Old 03-26-08, 01:10 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Penelope_Grey
'Scuse me? "Evil crew?!" We're not "evil" we are just nasty buggers who enjoy making subsimmers suffer.

The stupid part is, I'm pretty decent in a fleet boat. But this add on, something is not sitting quite right there. I think, and this is only conjecture... but I think that maybe the problem is me. I am treating the IXD2 like a U-Boat when in fact I would probably be more served to treat it like a fleet boat.

I probably need more practice in it to get a feel for it better than I am. I think the problem is me. I can't help but think the add on is doing something different to SH3.

Not only that... not to toot our horns but the IXD2 in GWX is far superior in terms of handling etc. The IXD2 in the add on feels far too agile and nimble and its got the whole "on rails" thing going on plowing through the sea with impunity. I also have a couple of doubts about its endurance submerged, it should be able to do a bit better. Again going on GWX as a guide.

The attacking part is not a problem lots of familiarity there to SH3 that is cool. I have noted a need on my part to refine my surface attack strategy in this. i.e. getting into position without alerting the enemy.

Also the campaign in this while alright, is not as good as its US counterpart I feel.

Generally speaking I need more practice... but... I will say this much... when I load SH4 on the odd occasion despite being a U-Boat fan, I am more inclined to play Fleet Boat than U-Boat the moment.

Like you Rock, I think I need to force myself into the IXD2 a bit more.

I need to have a proper play, complete a patrol first before I can really analyse this.

pretty much know what you mean. The feel in SHIV is different for sure. Fleetboats are whole different cup of coffee to in mood, handling, threats and tactics. THe engine and looks of SHIV kinda connect to it. It's a very special atmosphere, very different from that of the Atlantic, and certainly alien at first. But the longer you play it, the better it gets until you don't want to miss it anymore. The immersion densitiy is so much better to the world unrelaed to the boat. While the boat menues itself keeps a distance to the crew and boat unlike in SHIII. So the world grows more important. The radio (what a great idea!) keeps running, the map now shows those icons, the out of game menues are so much more atmospheric that it's not so much the boat you feel connected with anymore, but the whole world itself.

Suddenly getting your good ole Type IX into this world feels wrong at first. It doesn't fit here. This is the world of NBC commercials. Instead of the OKW and the Wehrmachtsbericht you listen to Radio Hawaii. You do not wrap into your oil gear to withstands the cold and gritty North, you patrol between the coast of Africa and the Far East, with all the atmospheric feelings this brings. Suddenly you feel as disconnected to your U-boat as you did with the fleetboats. You constantly have to remember yourself these boats acually operated in this area, and this is not some kind of hypothetical mod idea. It certainly takes a while until you readjust. But once you realize and accept it, you'll smile big time. And you can only wonder how this game will truely be after the mod teams did their work and you are back to the Atlantic. But this time with the knowledge there is a real war going on on the other side of the world as well.

Ubisoft truely did a marvelous job with this Add-on.
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