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Old 03-21-08, 06:49 PM   #173
Iain MacLean
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Hey all,

Just getting started with TM and RSRD, and have to say, I am glad I played through the stock game for a while before changing over- that way, I can see just how much better you all have made it. Firstly, my thanks.

Now, a few questions- and yes, I went through the read-me...

Actually, it's one broad question, and several possible answers- I'm not sure which changed this, TM or RSRD, so I figured I'd just ask everyone-

What can I do to reset my key bindings to what they were in the stock version? So far, the only thing that I've been missing/noticed is that my Enter key no longers fires torpedoes, and that my Backspace key no longer pauses the game. I know there is a config file somewhere I can fiddle with- I would just like the keyboard setup to get back to something I'm used too.....

Thanks all for the help, and again, wonderful work on these mods.
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