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Old 03-17-08, 10:08 PM   #1932
Join Date: Aug 2003
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I was ordered (USS Grouper) to patrol an area just south of Guam. Once I was done with that I decided to have a peek at Truk to see what may be there. As I apporoached, the weather turned bad. However, it would be how I came away alive. I picked up some slow moving radar contacts as I approached, which I knew were patrols. What I found was surprising to say the least. It was a Fuso BB! I fired all six of my forward tubes at him. Just before launching my torpedoes, a minesweeper started pinging me. I ignore him and press on the attack. Five of the six torpedoes find their target and explode sending this Fuso to the bottom.

As you can see in the second pic, that dumb minesweeper circled around the Fuso. I decided to end this once and for all and launch tube 8 at him. He gets hit in the bow. Even though the armed tugboats show up, I can slip away. Once a little bit away I surface and order flank speed away. Once I reactivate the radar I notice another stationary contact. I use the free cam to investigate. It is a Yamato! I thought about reloading the previous save, but deicded that the Fuso is a very generous runner-up.

Once I am a safe distance away I pick up some merchants on radar. It is still bad weather, but I intercept anyway. Am I glad I did! There were was looked like three ships, but were really four. I sank two of them. Can you guess which ones? Even with all the ships, the total tonnage still wouldn't have equaled one Yamato.

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