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Old 03-05-08, 02:39 PM   #1
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Default Any Known "Gotchas" Still Left In 1.5?

Hi all -

I have two copies of SHIV, but after trying it out at release I just couldn't work my way through the ever rising tide of issues. So I've been happily plundering the Atlantic, waiting for the game to mature a bit.

For me, that time is now.

Are all the big ticket items now fixed? As a simple example, at release the "fast" torpedo setting was causing issues. Is there a list somewhere of issues to be aware of and associated work arounds?

This isn't intended to be a gripes thread or some kind of an attack on Ubi, I love the series. It would just be very helpful to know up front what to watch out for.

I saw a "issues to be fixed with 1.4" thread, but that seemed to be a list before 1.4 was published, and certainly didn't encompass 1.5.

Hoping this thread doesn't come off as filled with negative energy,

Rykaird Wulff
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