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Old 03-03-08, 02:14 AM   #2
Ocean Warrior
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Default Theaters, Fronts and Offensives

Theaters, Fronts and Offensives


There are two theaters, Pacific and European

Movement and range allowances in the Pacific are shorter than in Europe because of differences in map scale.

E.g. an infantry with a movement of 3 in Europe has a movement of 2 in the Pacific theater, and an air factor with a range of 4 in europe has a range of 3 in the Pacific theater.


Each Theater has three Fronts.

The European theater is divided into the Eastern Front, the Western Front and the Mediterannean front.
The Pacific theater is divided into the Pacific Front, the Asian front and the Southeast Asian Front.

Fronts can have weather effects that affect operations at certain times of year.


Each turn, before you start moving units, you must decide whether there will be an offensive for each front where you have forces. An offensive is the main way to make big gains. If no offensive is called, then the front will have attrition. Attrition combat wears down the enemy and makes some gains. (An offensive costs 15 Basic resource points for each front - BRP's are the basic unit of economics in this game).

Small limited offensives can be undertaken in a front that is otherwise having attrition. (A maximum of 14 factors can be used in a limited offensive at a BRP cost of 1 for each factor involved)

Any questions?
"Enemy submarines are to be called U-Boats. The term submarine is to be reserved for Allied under water vessels. U-Boats are those dastardly villains who sink our ships, while submarines are those gallant and noble craft which sink theirs." Winston Churchill
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