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Old 02-11-08, 02:28 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Kojo62
I'm only using the Radar Auto Crew so far. My first priority was to focus on developing the Sonar->TMA->Fire Control skill set. But my goal is to ultimately learn the nuts and bolts of all of it myself. I'm a software engineer by trade, so I'm naturally a nuts & bolts type when it comes to systems.
Radar is almost useless equipment in SC,as enemy torpedo will be heading towards your sub just the next moment after you turn it on.If you have difficulties getting a strong sonar contact then surface to periscope depth,slower to 5 knots or so and raise an ESM mast.It will show you all radio and electronic communications in the area,bearings where signals are coming from,and sources (class names) of those signals.Make sure you do not accelerate faster then 5 knots or so,otherwise ESM mast will fail due to increased waterflow,as well as periscope and all other masts.

Other option maybe the usage of Sonar Active Intercept Display.If you tracking a surface group for instance,their pings will surely vector you to their location.

You are right,the core of SC gameplay are the Sonar,TMA and Fire Control operations.You simply should get used to switching constantly between this stations,in order to collect the most actual data on each contact.That is rather difficult,but it is worth doing so,you will get a feel of being a real nuclear attack submarine officer with time.

Best regards,
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