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Old 01-19-08, 07:28 PM   #3004
Posts: n/a

Ok , Im not sure if this is a bug but thought I'd post and let the GWX team know - I was in AM01 early December 39 when i came across a small convoy with a V&W Destroyer and 2 Auxilliary Cruisers ,when I first saw them I though it was 2 liners ,I fired 2 torp each at the cruisers but 3 self-destructed with one hit that killed a cruiser.I went deep and silent after that seeing that the Destroyer was coming my way but this is when the strangness happened , listening on the hydraphone I kept getting a funny noise return , hit f12 to have a look and The second Aux cruiser instead of running is circling with the destroyer hunting me

This is on GWX 2.0 with no other mods installed.
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