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Old 01-07-08, 03:45 PM   #5
Lucky Jack
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Eventually, after taking care of the new wounded from the attack, the doctor removed the bandage covering my head and said
the wounds have healed enough for me to get back on duty. I still didnt get permission to go on combat duties, which was fine
for me. My memory had also started to come back, tho still cant recall the sortie I got peppered on. I remember Aniela, who
had started call me flyboy at some point, she said George is hard to pronounce due to his Italian origin. Her english isnt perfect,
but she sure is trying. She was a great nurse, always time to have a chat and always there when she was needed.

The next day when I got out, I had to go and report back to my HQ at Luga airfield, just short trip south of Valletta. As I entered the
the field, nothing seemed to have changed. Everything was as I remembered it, everything but the building where our HQ had been, it
had collapsed due to a near hit. I wanted to quickly get over with the whole hassle and get back to Valletta, I could use a good meal
and a cold one.

I heard from the commander that it had been quiet, the attack yesterday was only 2nd this week. To my surprise, he asked if I would
want to take a quick flight around Malta! How could I refuse! Any other commander would have kept me away from air for a week or two,
just to be sure I was in top condition. I knew I could fly, I dont feel dizzy anymore and the pain is starting to ease up. I saluted
and ran to get my gear.

10 minutes later I was in my Gladiator, waiting for takeoff clearance. God how I missed this plane! After getting the permission to
takeoff, the powerfull Mercury took my plane up in to the air. It was a great weather to fly, sun was shining and only few clouds up
in 2km. I took heading for Valletta, waving my wings to the soldiers I saw travelling on the ground.

All the fires had been put out in the city and it looked remarkable intact. I circled around the city at 1500 meters, just watching
the life below. Time literately flyes when you are up there, I had circled around for a good 20 minutes when I was radioed to bring
the bird back. I turned my nose down and dropped to the deck, before turning back to base. Back in the hospital I had heard few soldiers
talk about the Gladiators and how beautifull they are, so I decided to make a low pass over the hospital to cheer them up.

On my way to the hospital, I saw two submarines that had come to refuel, never seen these things from close, so I had to make a small
detour over the harbor. Fine looking beasts they are, I say that. But I've never liked the sea, my place is in the air. I banked
to right and left the harbor quickly behind me. Another 3 minutes of flight and I spotted the hospital building. I descended to 50 meters
and flew right by the building, quick look back and I saw people waving from the windows. Me and my bird saluted by rocking the wings
few times and headed for home.

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