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Old 12-07-07, 01:34 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Gargantou
I recommend everyone with a passion for naval WW1 and WW2 simulations and strategy games to get the Great Naval Battle series, they're bloody awesome, sure they're not flawless, particulary some of the campaigns are pretty bad, but when it comes to actual simulation they're all pretty damned good imo.

A warning though, this is really old games we're talking about here, from the early to mid 90s, so don't expect a SH3 or even a SH2-level graphics!

Edit: Oops seems I posted in the wrong area, my bad, could a mod please move this thread to the naval section?
I totally agree GNB2 was a classic . I had some awesome carrier battles. The game was a little slow at first, but once it gets going, it's an exciting game. I never won as the Japanese though. I wish it had subs in it.
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