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Old 10-10-07, 04:46 PM   #89
Machinist's Mate
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There is some pretty good info on 109 strategy --> HERE <-- along with some more basic stuff.

From what I've read, it seems like you're trying to "Turn and Burn" in a "Boom and Zoom" fighter.

Here's a quote from that guide that explains "Boom and Zoom"

"Boom and Zoom

Boom n’ Zoom is simply using a relative altitude advantage to attack an opponent and then return to a superior position out of danger by Zoom climbing away.

Observing these strengths and weaknesses the 109 can be categorised as a Boom and Zoom fighter. Boom and Zoom is a technique in which the attacking plane relies on an energy advantage (in either speed or altitude) in order to successfully carry out the Boom and Zoom technique. An ideal Boom and Zoom situation is one where YOU, the aggressor happens to be cruising along at an altitude of 3000 metres altitude, and further below you spot a Spitfire cruising at 1000 metres altitude. Because you are higher than the Spitfire, YOU have the advantage! therefore it is YOU who will dictate the fight. So, you decide to engage the Spitfire, you ease into a dive, use throttle as required to manage your airspeed (avoid excessively high airspeeds due to control lockup and structural damage) and scream in behind the Spitfire. You are closing on your target fast and quickly make any last second corrections to ensure a good shot. You pull the triggers, and

1. You score a number of direct hits either destroying or crippling the Spitfire. You then go through to full power and ease back into a climb to regain your altitude

2. You miss completely and zoom right on by the Spitfire, Argh! Don't despair, instead go through to full power, ease back into a climb and regain that altitude. The Spitfire can't hurt you! He doesn't have the energy to climb after you, so once you are well above the Spitfire you can simply try again, you are still in control!

Don't get impatient, resist the temptation to turnfight. Typically it takes me a few passes to knock down an enemy plane, don't get disenheartened if it takes a lot of passes to knock down an enemy plane. It takes practice and you will get better with time! To practice ingame, load up a quick mission with an enemy C47 as your target. Boom and Zoom him to death, he is a nice big target who cruises at about 300 kp/h and will take a fair amount of punishment. Great for refining those skills"
I hope that helps.
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