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Old 08-15-07, 04:11 PM   #8
Stealth Hunter
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by Chock
The contentious issue is the use of 'excessive' force if defending yourself.

However, if someone tries to have it away with my DVD collection or anything else for that matter (which I've worked hard to pay for) after having smashed in my back door, then I regard no force as excessive enough in stopping them, because they bloody well asked for anything they got. And if I was on a Jury for a case such as this, I'd recommend giving the homeowner a medal, not a fine or custodial sentence.

The law is indeed 'an ass' a lot of the time.

I shot a man who was trying to steal my computer. I'm not joking, either.

He broke into my vacation home in the US and tried to take it while I was sleeping. As a bachelor, I knew I wasn't expecting anyone, so I pulled out a Smith&Wesson .34 Special I'd bought just about a month earlier and loaded it with 2 bullets, both hollow point. Went into my physical entertainment room (that holds my game collection and my computers) and saw a guy in a ski-mask standing there with my computer in his hands... so I shot him both times and accidentally killed him when one shot went through his neck. Well, it was cleared up in practically no time (I was in Corpus Christi, Texas at the time) and my computer was safe, even though the bastard dropped it about 2 feet...

Quite true, Chock. Texas rocks.

Heh, reminds me of Family Guy:

JOE: "So I jumped on his back and got him down and accidentally broke his spine."

PETER: "Hehe, looks like you've got a buddy."

JOE: "No, he's dead..."

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