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Old 07-19-07, 03:22 AM   #2
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Hold out, help on it's way.

Check the Steel Beast Sticky on top of this forum list. There is a list of patches, but you will get a recent version of CD anyway, so the early steps you can skip.

For any questions on details of the sim, and why these details are like they are, I refer to my own review of the release version in early spring last year. I also linked an interview with the developer which, amongst others, explain the price, and the future of the sim. Both links to be found in the ressources sticky-thread.

I live in Germany, delivery was within one week. I was not charged any additional taxes. 125$ translated into 97 Euros back then, and that included shipping.

Indonesian credit cards - I'll ask. Maybe Ssnake knows that.

Or better: why don't you ask yourself -> Friendly forum that is - they do not bite (they just don't hesitate to shoot your tank from behind, if possible).
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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