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Old 06-13-07, 04:50 PM   #747
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Here is account of my first battle using 100% realism settings.

S-38 was one day out of Surabaya on its second patrol. We came in from the first patrol with an empty net. There were a couple sightings. The first on the Luzon Strait. We were pretty close, a destroyer and unother ship of unknown type. The sea was pretty heavy and could only catch glances between the waves. I could never really get a fix on either ship and as quickly as they appeared they were gone. While heading back to Manila we got order to change home base to Surabaya. It was on the way there, in the South China Sea, when a watch yells "Ship spotted, Sir!". There was what must have been an escorted convoy off on the horizon. We chased that convoy long into the night but it stayed on the horizon the time til it to disapeared.

So on this second patrol I was beginning to think this war was going to consist of nothing but chasing ghosts. That until we heard orders for all boats to converge on java, an invasion force was reported headed that way. Like I said we were only one day out and headed to patrol the Celebes Sea. We immediately reversed course and returned the way we came. Halfway back we got a radio report of enemy task force. A quick look at the chart showed the task force only 20nm away on a coarse that would lead it right to us. For two days we hunted for those ships, but again, ghosts. We had wasted to much time here, the sea was again heavy, so I gave orders to set a course back to the Celebes Sea. It was only an hour latter, the boat bouncing on the surface, the sea so rough that even I was getting seasick for the first time, that a watchmen again yells, "Ship spotted, Sir!".
This time it was not ghosts on a dark horizon. It was two warships in day light bearing straight for us. I then wished they were ghosts because it was obvious that they had spotted us before we spotted them. "periscope depth!" I ordered.

Now through the periscope only glances could be seen. Ok, they must be destroyers, but what type. The glances though the waves are to brief. I decide to guess. I chose Fubuki. Now I got to get a distance, but I'm only getting brief glimpses, and the ships are looming larger, looking like they know exactly where we are. I try to steady myself. Patience. Now as they get closer the mastheads show above the waves for a longer time. I lock on the closer ship. Now, if I can only get a distance. Then a miracle happens, an opening in the waves, and looking out my periscope at what seems a valley of water, I get a clear view. At the same time I see that the trailing warship has turned to port as if to cut off my escape to the rear. The waves close around me, but now I have an ID. My guess was wrong . The Warships are not Fubuki class, they are Akizuki. I await another opening. Time is slowing down. Another opening. I have a distance on the leader! 600 yds. I quickly estimate AOB. 500 yds! I punch in 16 knots. I set a torpedo 5 left. launch! Set to 0. Launch! Set to 5 right. Launch! Set to 10 right. Launch! I hear spashes. I spin the periscope. The other ship is right behind me. Dive! Hard to port! Then I hear, "Torpedo impact, Sir!". "Enemy Unit destroyed, Sir!".

Ten minutes later I am at periscope depth. I raise the periscope and see the stern of a kuma class light cruiser. By the time I get a fix she is 3500 yds moving away. Another ghost.
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