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Old 05-19-07, 07:25 PM   #961
Join Date: Mar 2007
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I cannot believe we are begging Ubi to fix a game that should not have been released in the first place. In my opinion they owe it to their customers to fix the game so it performs as advertised.

This might seem harsh but think about it; we buy games on good faith and with the expectation that there are going to be a few bugs; however, there are certain parts of SHIV that do not work as advertised and in some cases do not work at all. For example, the box says "more realistic action than ever before." I would like to know what is so realistic about a Japanese destroyer completely ignoring me while I blow away the convoy they are supposed to protect. How about "Authentic and historically accurate U-boats, weapons, and equipment." If United States sub captains carried around the same chronometer found in SHIV we would all be speaking Japanese today.

When you buy a TV you expect it to work (as advertised) out of the box; and when it doesn't you take it back to the store. The same goes for a toaster, mp3 player, or computer accessories. When you buy software all you can do is HOPE that it works and if it doesn't HOPE that the developers fix it so you can enjoy your investment.

The software industry is out of control. We should not be begging that the product be fixed, we should demand it.
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