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Old 04-11-07, 03:48 PM   #9
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How about this for a premise:

April 1942. The Doolittle Raid on mainland Japan is a success. America has gained its first victory against the Japanese, but the effect is merely psychological. US Forces are in desperate need to achieve a decisive strategic victory. Intelligence indicates a small island near the Mariana Island chain is being used to base Imperial Navy warships. The task of attacking this island falls to the US submarines.
The attack will not be easy. Outdated and overly cautious doctrine plagues the submarine force. At the behest of Lieutenant Christopher Beckett, Captain Jonathan Walcott is called back to active service, having been forced into a desk job in the late 30s owing to his bold and (what was perceived as) reckless tactics. The two men plan a mission deep into enemy waters where the objective, nearly impossible to achieve, makes a return voyage unlikely.
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