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Old 03-18-07, 01:40 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by desertisland
Those who say rude things about the French are only demostrating thier ignorance. Google "French military victory" and you will find that they had been bathed in military glory way before the birth of US. And they have evolved out of glory-hungry "patriotism" long ago. In more than one way, the Americans have a lot to learn from older civilizations.
See, that's the thing, it all happened a REALLY LONG TIME AGO. Americans have a short memory. If you want to go that rout, though, France demonstrates a short memory when they call us "War Mongers." There's no reason for the American to treat France any differently. In all reality the American has a reason to be pissed at France. France (and England, to a lesser extent) were largely responsible for the putative nature of The Treaty of Versailles, which my man Woodrow Wilson predicted would start World War 2. The whole Vietnam conflict might have been avoided if France would have not treated the inhabitants so poorly. And then of course there's the fact that France hasn't treated Americans well the last century. Even American soldiers fighting to liberate France said the people were unwelcoming, hostile and rude. I do think it is unfortunate that France is ridiculed for falling so quickly to Germany in World War 2, though, as they were doomed from the beginning. France fought an undivided Germany almost unaided and before it was able to mount the defenses it had planned. England would have fallen just as easily were it not for the all important Channel.

I can't bad mouth France, largely because America exists in no small part due to the aid of France in the Revolution and the teachings of Voltaire, but I understand why others do. It's not the loss to Germany, it's the general French (or, more accurately, Parisian) attitude of superiority and ethnocentrism.

On the original subject, I agree, Chotto...

Watashi wa nihonjin iranai.

(Excuse any mistakes, I'm barely through my first year of study, and I can't get my conversion software to put out kanji and hiragana)
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