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Old 02-15-07, 11:15 AM   #95
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Alex
Originally Posted by privateer
I must also mention it is possible to assign different damage images to each ship.
Really.... Did not know this.
Please, can you tell me how I can do that, and how can I assign a torpedo damage texture to a ship ?
This is going to be ********** amazing.
Here are the specs as to what does what:

MinDamage...The minimum number of hit points that generate a damage decal...
MaxDamage...The number of hit points that cause the maximum damage..
MinDamageRange..The radius of the damage decal for minimum damage...
MaxDamageRange..The radius of the damage decal for maximum damage...
MinDamageAlpha..The transparency of the decal for minimum damage....
MaskTextureName.The texture used for decal shape....
DirtTextureName.The tilable texture with explosion traces...
DirtTileFactor..The number of tiles per 10 meters of ship surface...

These settings are in the .val file
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