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Old 10-19-06, 01:09 PM   #236
Watch Officer
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Cambridge, Canada
Posts: 335
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How did you learn about Subsim?
I was looking for anything related to modern submarine warfare, and specifically Jane's 688i H/K, when a search on AltaVista brought me to subsim; most specifically, the "Fix My 688i!" Campaign. I signed the petition: James McQueen, blown away that someone loved the game as much as I did, but was doing something about it to make it better! I stuck around, read and learned on the old forums (I assume it was Matt's BB, as it was the old Bulletin Board thread tree style forum. I think it changed shortly thereafter.) became THE place for me to go to learn about modern and historical naval warfare, new subsim releases, and read the cool articles that Neal wrote (my favorite being his adventures as a guest aboard a real US Sub! Can't find that article now, I'm all nostalgic looking for it, anyone know where it is?)

I think when I first signed up on the original BB it was as JamesM, then later as the forums changed, I was Skweetis. (if anyone wonders what it means, well, it means nothing really, just the name of a song by a band called The Melvins... thought it had an odd ring, and that it wouldnt already be taken! haha)

But, me being what I am, always the Lurker rarely the poster

Anyway, thanks for many MANY years of service and enjoyment Neal! And here's to many more to come!!!!

James McQueen
"Is the glass half-empty? Or half-full? Either way, when you're thirsty, there's water to be had in that glass." - Neal Stevens
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