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Old 09-14-06, 01:47 AM   #14
The Old Man
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Originally Posted by supposedtobeworking
Redwine: I did see those sound files for the ship sounds in data/sound, but I think they are just the ambient noise which surrounds the propellor beats, which must be embedded somewhere since they have to change depending on ship speed(i.e. there should be several for each ship type representing all possible speeds), so those are the sounds I am trying to find, and figure out how to get them to work in GW.
Personally, without really knowing the answer for sure, I'd be surprised if they really had a different sound file for all the various speeds - I would assume instead that they would simply play the same sound file for all the speeds and just code the program to vary the speed of the playback based on the speed of the ship - at least, that's the way I'd do it if I were programming it. However, since I'm not really a programmer as such, I could be way off base with this supposition.

I'm a bit puzzled by the complexity of some of the posts above and do not begin to understand the intricacies of whatever linkages there might be between the sound files and the sensors.dat file settings, etc., so I can't really answer your question for sure or from an official GW perspective (since I have nothing to do with the GW team - I just use their great mod). However, the hydrophone sounds have been the one (and only) area where I've been somewhat disappointed by the GW mod, as for some reason they just didn't sound very good on my PC - there was some one weird phenomenon in particular where the escorts would have some weird rumbling overlay noise kind of kick in and out in an odd way that just didn't "feel" right (hard to explain).

Anyway, when I read the posts above I decided to see what would happen if I just replaced all the hydrophone-related sound files I could find with the ones I had been using before I installed GW (I didn't label my backup very well as it turns out so I'm not sure if they were from the stock game or an old NYGM 1.something install), so I went to one of my backup installations and made up a little JSGME-enabled mod with all the sound files I could find that had "hyd" in them or otherwise looked like they were hydrophone related (including the ones mentioned in one of the posts above, but there were tons more of them than just those). I tried them out tonight during a convoy attack, and they seemed to work great and sounded much better to me than what I had been hearing with my GW 1.0 install.

You might want to try something that simple, at least as an experiment while you wait for a real answer from one of the mod gurus - unfortunately, I never got the hang of the screw noise speed chart thingy, so I can't confirm whether my substitution has restored that aspect or not - I just know I like the way it sounds better (it sounds more like I remember it sounding back when I was trying to figure that speed thing out a few months ago). Might be worth a try, and you can always back it out with JSGME if it doesn't do what you want.

Good luck!

Last edited by panthercules; 09-14-06 at 01:49 AM.
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