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Old 09-02-06, 04:45 PM   #185
Ocean Warrior
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A Vosper from Hell.

Edit: Damn, YouTube didn't accept the codec. Hang in there.

I was testing my "No-Win Scenario" scenario, and I heard this loud explosion from one of the British ships hunting me. Switching to external view (hey, I was play-testing, I need it), I saw a destroyer in flames. While taking in the hulk, I noticed this huge piece of debris flying through the air some distance away. I thought it was a doomed aircraft, but it turned out to be a torpedo boat. My theory is that it collided with the DD and was "flipped" into the air by it. Or maybe I hit it with a torpedo (I fired a spread of them at random into the horde of British warships, and I was creditted with sinking 1000 tonnes of British warship post-mission).

But anyway, she's one light-weight, sturdy ship. First, she's thrown 100 feet into the air, then, when she hits the water again--

Heh, , gape, and laugh, that's all I'm going to say:rotfl:.

Last edited by Safe-Keeper; 09-02-06 at 06:28 PM.
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