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Old 04-24-24, 02:28 PM   #7762
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by Gerald View Post
Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
I think most here are retired already for us overtime pay means nothing, it’s all about the COLA baby
Originally Posted by Gerald View Post
I didn't know this was a tread for ppl who don't work anymore. Thanks for letting me know!��

Yes, and its called "General Topics"...

Ya know, the Biden Administration may be playing a rather clever long game with all these "small" adjustments and reworking of seemingly rather mundane issues and topics; an awful lot of what the Administration has done since it took office has been to address the everyday irritations and/or what the electorate might see as more personal issues; when the Election Day nears, Biden and the DEMs will be able to point to a laundry list of issues addressed and taken care of by either Executive action or through reworking of existing rules and regulations; it might not seem like a big deal in relation to other much broader issues at hand, but remember, the electorate is often swayed more by what affects them on a personal level than what is done on national or global stage; basically all that matters is what hits their lives and their pocket books on an individual and/or family basis; in the run up to the Election, it will be more of a sort of "what have you done for me lately" question posed to the two major parties and their candidates; the DEMs and Biden seem to be better position to rattle off a lot of plusses in their columns while the GOP, as of now, seem to have nothing more to show for their efforts but an fractured party and the inability to make any kind of dent in pressing issues because they are consumed with the need to appease Dementia J. Trump and/or reign in the whack-job crazy fringes of the GOP who have apparently taken unwarranted control of the GOP, truly a case of the lunatics running the asylum; I'm not sure, but it may be the voters will be more inclined to favor those who addressed their everyday interests and complaints over those who can't seem to even effective run their own organization, much less the country...



"Promises made, promises kept"...

..and the results when the promises are broken...

...and, on that line of thought, remember when Trump started out in 2016 and said he would never take outside campaign donations and totally fund his own campaign because "I'm very rich", and "I don't need anybody's money"? Promise made and promise kept...?...

Trump's not even spending a dime of his own overly-self-purported wealth to defend himself in court or address his own legal problems; instead, he leeches off gullible MAGA lemmings not to mention the few Mega-Maga donors who definitely are expecting a quid pro quo for the millions they are dumping into Trumps's coffers; unfortunately for those fat cats, the 'best president money can buy' is also a serial loser in all the things he has taken on on his own, and, for the suckers who shelled out for Trumpy-Bears and cheap Bibles at high prices, and the such, well, it will be interesting to see what the morning after the Election Day hangover will be for them when they realize they backed a real loser at their own expense...


... a side note: Trump's complaints about a too cold courtroom is valid, but there is a reason for the coolness: in order to keep the participant's alert during the proceedings, the temperature is kept low to reduce the chances of people dozing off (a particularly bad situation if one is a juror); the tactic mirrors one used in the TV industry where studios with live audiences are kept quite low in order to keep the audience awake and engaged (and, having been to an awful lot of TV tapings, I can verify the tactic works)...

...and yet Demetria J. Trump can apparently sleep (like he did through his term in office) through anything in any conditions...

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Last edited by Jimbuna; 04-25-24 at 01:24 PM. Reason: SPAM filter alert
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