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Old 04-23-24, 07:14 PM   #265
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Originally Posted by Gerald View Post
Interesting perspective ��
They tried to suppress the sale of vitamine C in the US. Of Boron in Australia. The EU and the WHO try to put a lock on the availability of supplements in therapeutically effective dosis alltogether.

They frequently run campaigns against Omega 3. Vitamine D. Salt. Red Meat anyway. They scare monger and raise fear campaigns. They lie. They endlessly repeat the lies, over and over and over again. For years. For decades. They know they are lying, they know what they tell are lies, they know they invented their lies with a clear intention and purpose - they keep on lying nevertheless, and keep their info proving they are lying locked away. They corrupt science to prevent critical analysis getting known. They corrupt science to turn it into propaganda, to add credibility to their lies. The destroy scientific disicussion and replace it with manipulated and obligatory consent. Resistence to that is under social and more and more often: legal penalty.

The biggest financier of "alternative veggie meat" startups and lab meat companies is not the agricultural lobby as one might imagine - but Big Pharma.

THEY WANT US SICK. They make us sick and earn money with that. They keep us sick and make more money with that. They actively lure us away from knowledge and information on how to regain health, to earn more money from us. And frequently they try to even legally forbid it that we seek and act for our health ourselves, self-responsibly. They abuse us. They ruin us.

They are criminal, cynical, murderous scumbags. And they kill - in masses and masses.

The whole academical branch of ecotrophology was founded by the 7th Day Adventist Church, thats why it is infested with extreme, radical veganism since all beginning on. The American food and health policies and the Health and Food Associations since over one hundred years are fundamentally influenced and ursurped and taken over by the Adventists. The recent dietary guidelines (and their versions before) now officially recommended in the US - are the whole Adventist curriculum of the Garden Eden diet (=veganism). And much of the world follows the American "authorities". The majority of the wheat production in the world is controlled by Adventist proxy companies. Most of the soy production in the world is controlled by Adventist proxies. And they get their marketing done for them by Coca Cola, since almost two decades now. The whole concept of modern "lifestyle medicine" - is an Adventist invention, a propaganda campaign. And they ruin the youth from its youth years on.

Big Pharma. Agricultural corporations. Cereal corporations. Sugar companies. Plant seed oil producers. Soy producers. Corn producers. Coca Cola. Religious sectarians. All united to wage war on mankind with the goal to subjugate everybody and make profit of them and destroy their health and well being and to shorten their life expectancy - for profit.

Lifestock. Thats what we are for them.

We should treat then like we treat drug cartel bosses. Just that drug cartels dont have their reach.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 04-24-24 at 06:43 AM.
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