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Old 04-22-24, 11:58 AM   #1
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Default DC sounds - any tips?

I'm a bit stunned by just how quiet the bombs are in this game. My friend and I were practicing with the hydrophone and deliberately attracted the enemy in order to hear what attacking escorts sound like from different angles. When they bombed us, neither of us knew for sure it was happening. I had expected the earth-shattering "BLAM" type of noise as found in Silent Hunter, but the depth charges here are more like dull thuds.

Ultimately we did know when we were hit, at least, since the boat rocked side to side, but in any case I find it very difficult to gauge how far away the charges are. They're quiet enough that I can't quite hear them over the sound of anyone speaking. Are there plans to change this?

So far this is my only significant issue with the game, everything else is going great.

- Tabris
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