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Old 03-24-24, 05:34 AM   #2
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Default Are you sure?

Historically March 1941 is a bit early for effective radar on small escorts, you should be looking at Autumn 1941 (see very good article on wikipedia). These early radars should only detect you out to about 4km on a good day. The radars improved rapidly but surfaced night attack only became completely impossible in May 1943.
I've switched to NYGM from GWX, and it's too much pfaff to look at the GWX campaign files on SH3 editor. However I think you are probably not seeing radar detection. The ship models may have the antennas but that does not necessarily mean the game is using them. The escort AI regularly charges out of formation for a few km and returns, which can look like detection. Try observing your own crew on the bridge - are they crouching down and looking worried? Has the maximum time compression suddenly dropped?
If you are OK with slight cheating you can lock on to targets that are way outside visual detection range by tracking across the suspect bearing while spamming the L key. The crew then report range and bearing for a few minutes and you can even browse the locked target with the . and , keys.
Initially the same profile reducing measures as used against visual detection should be OK. When radar starts working properly you have to start behaving like a submarine and diving at first contact then mostly using the hydrophone. This means you lose mobility and are going to struggle to get into position, which is how it worked in real life. Expect to die by 1944. Which is also realistic.
Wolfpack345 took a type IX career well into 1944 on Youtube, try looking at that for clues.

Last edited by Hooston; 03-24-24 at 12:46 PM.
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