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Old 02-21-24, 10:17 AM   #542
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Well, it was something I hinted at in my last post. Dried (hard) rice keeps forever BUT turning it into something edible can be a challenge.

Boiling a gallon of water in the great outdoors is a pain in the ###.

Try this experiment: Go to your kitchen and grab a pan. Fill it with water from the tap. Set it on the stove and turn on the burner. Stay there and watch what happens.

Are you getting bored or impatient yet? It takes a while, doesn't it?

Now, we're dealing with an ideal situation. Let's move it outdoors..

First, you'll need to build a fire unless you have a cricket stove. Gather some stuff to burn. You'll need enough fuel to build a fire that will last long enough to boil that same pot of water. Now, clear out a fire pit and start looking for rocks to build the walls. Has the lightbulb switched on yet? This is a VERY in-efficient process. We haven't even added in the time it will take to cook your food.

Speaking of water, how did you bring enough of it? A five gallon Jerry Can strapped to your back? Maybe you carried it with your arms? Ever pick up a five gallon can of water? Its freaking HEAVY. A canteen isn't going to cut it, that's just for sipping during the day. Maybe you set up your camp site near a spring of flowing water? Maybe that explains why your fire keeps going out. Oh, did you bring chlorine tablets to sanitize that spring water? Boiling it may not be enough.

OK, what about if you brought along some of those flameless (chemical) ration heaters? Make sure you bring some extra table salt. Flameless heaters are notorious for being duds. This is very true once they get old (anything after two years after they were produced). Sometimes you can add some extra salt to the water that's going to power the heater.

One other thing to consider if we're talking about a "prepper" situation and cooking on an open fire, did you bring enough food for everyone? Cooking on that fire is going to call in EVERY survivor within two to three acres of your location.
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