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Old 12-07-23, 04:50 AM   #1
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Default Request for mod: Better engine RPMs

When submerged using electric motor, selecting KF (kleine fahrt) speed, the engine speed will be set to 100 RPM. Of course the primary use of KF speed is for silent running, and the way it is set up, it provides a speed which is not very silent.

To achieve actual silent speed, the player must switch to the knot meter, then try to click the exact pixel which gives the desired RPM. It is very fiddly and annoying.

According to page 14, the actual KF engine speed was a much more appropriate 55 RPM.

My request is a mod that reconfigures the electric engine speeds on the engine telegraph so they match the numbers in the "owner's manual." Even if this were not historical it would be such a quality of life improvement that it would be well worth doing anyway. But it is historical.

It seems like such an obvious thing that I wonder why there is not already a mod to do it, but I cannot find one.
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