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Old 10-23-23, 10:14 PM   #9
Gut Wrench
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...halfway through the season.

Week Seven in the Subsim Fantasy Football League and we are starting to get a better picture of the comers and goers int he league. We had several matches decided this week before Monday Night, good for production, not so good for entertainment, so we loaned out Peyton and Eli to one of the networks.

So lets get the big heads up on the board as we go around the grounds to get the latest results int he biggest week of football, right after we tell you about this.


Our match of the day this week was in the land down under, where the Jacarandas start to bloom, the weather starts to warm and the snakes come out to play. The banter Brigade had come to down, making the long trek form the motherland to check on the convict state. Well, there's a revolution going on folks, a eureka stockade charge as the Taipans set the ground alight and sent the Brigade home. The brigade set up the second highest score of the week, only to be beaten by the highest score. A devastating loss drops the Banter to 3-4 while the win pushes the Taipans to 6 - 1. Final score in the subtropics, the Taipans defeat the Banter 150 - 131.

In Oregon, the Who Dat Nation Rises welcomed the Helmand Nighthawks to town. The traditional two heavy weights of entire league have put on a few pounds and are currently 2-3 this season coming into the game. The big shock was the Nighthawks who lost their first three, but have started to put on a more traditionally looking run of games winning the last two. The Nation however, they appeared bogged won in the Pacific North West rain as Coach Fuel for Blood struggles to put gas in the tank. The Nighthawks didn't have any stand outs in the game, they just did their job to eventually put the Who Dat Nation Rises away to the tune of 120 - 94.

Two games int he motherland this weekend with the first at Twickenham as the Boss team hosted the Who Dat Nation Rises. The nation have slipped in the power rankings the last few years, giving up some easy wins to lower class teams. The Bosses were at home with the English "voice" and drowned out the Nation in signal calling, leaving three starters back at the hotel. This one wasn't even close, at the Bosses run out convincing winners 113 - 47.

The second game on English soil were the Helmand Nighthawks at home to the Black Cats. After a worrisome start to the season, the Nighthawks have put together consecutive wins as they soar back into play off contention. Representing the bottom of the ladder, the Black Cats justified their lowly ranking, giving up three non starting positions. The second game of the weekend that was over even before Sunday night, the Helmand Nighthawks skin the Black Cats 123 - 71.

Final game of the weekend was the closest game of the weekend. The Guns of Hochuli had the Drunk Monkeys coming to Sugarland. the Monkeys were riding high after their shock win last week, and thought that they could just swing by the Gunners. Not so fast, the Gunners blew the Monkeys out of the tree early on but the swarm or red rumps chased the Gunners all the way to Monday night. Once again, the Coach Thad had just shown up and replaced any of his four non starters, just one of them, the result would be different. Final score in Texas the Guns of Hochuli defeat the Drunk Monkeys 109-90.

It's halfway through the season, lets check out the board and see where we are.

In the Sub Simmers division, it's a tail of two couples. The Helmand Nighthawks and the Boss team lead the division at 4-3 each, while two games back, the other couple of the Black Cats and the Who Dat Nation Rises squabble for the wooden spoon at 2-5 each.

In the Surface Skimmers division, the Australian Taipans have opened a small lead at 6-1. The Guns of Hochuli are right behind them at 5-2, then a gap to the Banter Brigade at 3-4 and the Drunk Monkeys at 2-5.

With all that said our Match of the day next week is the Guns of Hochuli hosting the Australian Taipans. Our top of the league clash not only has divisional implications, but can also open the door for the Helmand Nighthawks to make ground.

Next week, the call outs are in full swing so its hard to pick a great game. We're going to go back down under as the Australian Taipans at the top of the table, host the hard charging Banter Brigade on their longest trek of the year.

Each week, the Associated Subsim Writers (ASW) will nominated their Most Valuable Torpedo (MVT) of the week, the single player who proved decisive in their teams performance.

Making their first appearance this year, for the effort of 12 receptions for 1179 yards and 1 TD's, for a total of 41.90 points, the Week Seven MVT goes to Taylor Swifts boyfriend, Travis Kelce (TE) of the Helmand Nighthawks.

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