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Old 05-25-23, 08:45 PM   #143
Kapitan.z.S Hartmann
Join Date: Sep 2016
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27.10.1936 Indian Ocean 423rd. day at sea

On 19.10. Schiff 30 setout for the Mozambique Channel at 0600 hrs. almost 2 hours later she catapulted one of her Heinkel He 114B aircraft fore reconnaissance nothing was sighted. At noon Schiff 30 was entering the Mozambique Channel. The following day she altered course to 217° On the 21st Schiff 30 used her radar operationally for the first time conducting sweeps at distances of 16-32 nm. Nothing was detected. The following day she received a radio signal from the “Reichenfels” that she had conducted reconnaissance from 24°S to 29°S and have sighted nothing so far. Another aircraft was sent for reconnaissance and again nothing was sighted. On 22.10. at 1400 hrs. the Bridge radio room picked up a signal from the Spanish liner “Santa Ana” indicating a meeting would take place between 40°S and 40°E at 1000 hrs. The vessel is identified as one of the gold ships. Kapitan.z.S Hartmann recalls the “Reichenfels” and steers Schiff 30 towards the radioed coordinates now the race to catch the treasure laden ships has begun. A reconnaissance flight was launched on the morning of the 23rd. and 2 British ships were sighted the Blue Funnel freighter “Cyclops” 9 076 grt and the “Berwickshire” 7 646 grt sailing on course 021° sailing for Madagascar Schiff 30 remained unseen. 2 days later D/T was carried out and 3 vessels which were identified as being Spanish were detected bearing 314°T on the 26th. various radio messages indicated that the gold ships were under escort by 2 armed trawlers. at 0600 hrs. the aircraft is catapulted and at 0659 flew passed Schiff 30 dropping a red flare, this indicated that the vessels were close by, the Beobachter L.z.S(M) Lehmann reported that the ships were stopped less than 50 nm. on course 089° from the ship. Schiff 30 comes to course 089° On the bridge the W.O. puts the engine telegraphs to full speed ahead, 19.9 knots, the pilot and Beobachter also confirmed that there are 2 armed trawlers with the vessels which are 2 single stack liners and a larger 2 stack liner. They could not be positively identified, Kapitan.z.S Hartmann informed the crew that the Spanish ships were nearby the adrenaline was running high as the crew has been at action stations since midnight, at 0723 Mtr.F.Gfr Dietrich of the port bridge watch sighted mastheads bearing 332°T range 150 hm.

Kapitan.z.S Hartman ordered Hard to port speed 16 knots. As the range closed a “sea of masts” was sighted when the range was down to 100 hm. Hartmann ordered “ set war flag, drop camouflage on fore cannons, signal via lamp “REMAIN STOPPED, DO NOT USE WIRELESS, OR I OPEN FIRE”

Armed trawler signaled: “Who are you?”
Schiff 30 replies: “German Boarding Ship 33. Do not use your wireless or guns or I open fire. Identify yourself immediately!”
Armed trawler replies: “Armed trawler ‘Durango” in service of the Spanish Republican Navy. Understood.”
Schiff 30 replies: “Sending boats!”

All the ships hoisted the flag of the Spanish Republicans 6 boats were sent to inspect the ships 3 liners, 1 French freighter, and 2 armed trawlers were boarded. The Investigation Commandos were not interfered with by the Spaniards protecting the gold shipment. According to the cargo manifests which were saved by the Investigation Officers a total of over 1,230,336.05 Kg. of gold bars and coins are aboard. On the liner “Santa Ana” there are 4,200 t of general cargo. At 0915 the “Reichenfels” appeared over the horizon with the captured Spanish tanker “Malta” loaded with over 13,000 t of diesel fuel and 1,200 t of aviation fuel.

During the next few hours, the prisoners are spread out between the 6 ships and prize crews assigned. Kapitan.z.S Hartmann plans to use the armed trawlers as scouts and commissions them into the Kriegsmarine. as the Auxiliary Minelayers “Indien” and “Pazifik”. At 1040 hrs. the liners “Santa Ana” and “Silva” are dismissed to naval grid square 2121 JM. Aboard the “Indien” and “Pazifik” work parties from Schiff 30 install 4 10.5cm/45 SK C/32 cannons and mine rails on the deck. The two trawlers were armed with the British made 4.7” QF Mark IX cannon. these were removed and stored aboard Schiff 30.

At midnight all preparations were completed and with the ships in formation the convoy sets off for Naval Grid Square 2121 JM.

Schiff 30 drifting in the Indian Ocean shortly before capturing the Spanish gold ships

The captured Spanish fleet pictured shortly after the arrival of the "Reichenfels" and the Spanish tanker "Malta"

Schiff 30 with the newly commissioned Auxiliary Minelayers "Indien" and "Pazifik"

Convoy preparing for departure for Naval Grid Square 2121 JM.
"The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him" Sun Tzu

Kapitan.z.S Hartmann's (U-35,U-46-U-204-U-332-U-256-U-293, U-838, U-830, U-834, U-1188, U-1180, U-835, U-840, U-839, Schiff 44 “AFRIKA”, Schiff 77 "Stortebecker", "Schiff 66 "WOLF", Schiff 19, Schiff 30) motto: Eastward Ho!
"Be more aggressive"

Schiff 30 wird sie alle versenken!

Last edited by CPTLTJASON; 04-02-24 at 05:09 PM.
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