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Old 04-26-23, 02:56 AM   #77
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To check sugar content, is a good.
To check the salt content is completely unfounded and not needed. Better check for the salt quality, that it is no fluoridated salt, but is preferably natural rock salt (unlikely with industrially processed "MREs"). The myth that salt raises blood pressure and makes you ill, is exactly that: a myth. And it has killed millions.

Also iodine in salt is useless if the salt is put into boiling water, or is heated up elsewise: the iodine then immediately disappears in a puff of invisible smoke. Its way too low quantities in iodinated salt anyway. Iodine should be consumed, but there is no argument that is convincing to think you can do with iodine salt alone. So avoid these processed industrially cleaned and refined salts like iodine salt, but stick with sea salt or better: rock salt, which is sea salt from the very first ocean there was, a sea salt without modern microplastic. . It contains a lot of additional minerals. Thats why salts indeed can taste differently. I have four different kinds of salt in the kitchen! And I mostly enjoy them pure. That way, I do not eat crackers and peanut flips anymore with all that bad quality fat in them which make them so unhealthy.

The German term is Steinsalz and I just translate it as rock salt, I think the English term is different however, I always forget it.

Just no (expensive) Himalaya salt, please. Big hocus pocus that often does not even come from the Himalaya, and has often high levels of flouride in them too often. Its an esoterically-founded rip-off. And not rarely you risk to also consume a dose of quick silver, lead, heavy metals and other goodies like that with it. It simply is bad, dirty, overpriced salt. Avoid!

Avoiding industrially processed food means you can control the quality of the salt you have in your meals. Quality control: good idea. Quantity control: not necessary, simply let your taste lead you. Take as much salt as you want. - Assuming there are no other existing health conditions in play. Blood pressure is no argument with salt. Thats a modern myth.

Truth is: many people simply eat too less salt!

Its the same like with oils and fats. One must not avoid them, but one must check for good quality and avoid all those industrially processed plant seed oils, trans fats, hardened fats. Seed oils are inflammatory Omega-6-bombs, sunflower oil for exmaple tastes dleciious, but it has a ratipo of O6 to O3 that is in the range of 125:1 to 130:1. Rape seed oil: still 25:1 to 30:1. Corn oil, popular in the US: 50:1. Thistle seed oil borders an assassination attempt: 150:1! And the word bomb you can take literally. Hands off these oils, they are poisonous!

The global pandemic of obesity and Diabetes you can see everywhere where Western food regimes with use of plenty of these seed oils, high carbohydrate intake (including but not limited to sweet sugar, and special focus too on wheat products: pasta, bread etc.) take over. What does Mediterranean diat lack? Carbohydrates. Seed oils. Sugars. Milk and cream. Very rare use: pasta. Some bread. What does it use? Vegetables. Fatty fish and sea fruit. Olive oil, and plenty of it! Eggs. Moderate meat consumption, much less than many think.

If eating normally, fat does not make you fat - carbohydrates do.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 04-26-23 at 03:24 AM.
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