Thread: On Health
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Old 02-02-23, 08:30 AM   #63
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I absolutely LOVE sharwood Corry Powder, mostly use di the midl sweeter one, but sometimes the hot verison, too. I stockpoile it in signficant quantities.

German brands for Curry powder are for the bin. Taste bland, flat and listless like sawdust mixed with grated dry cardboard. Sharwood's is the best I know, I love that stuff.

Curry must not be hot, it is so rich in flavours and fruitness that if it is too hot it blinds the tongue and you cannot enjoy the many aromes anymore. Thats why I prefer the mild one.

When it comes to stimulating fat burning and bile activity, there are better remedies anyway. Milk thistle, dandelion, turmeric, pepperin, various bioflavanoids, vegetable stenols, bitter substances, bitter herbs. Modern civilizational food in generla has way too few bitter substances, but we need them, we really benefit from them.

BTW, in India you have regional pandemics of obesity, it is linked to regions where the supply of bad fats and oils as well as using plenty of wheat and crops is high. I red about it in deNicolantonio's book on fats, but I would need to look it up again, I do not recall the details out of the blue. But fact is India has indeed a very massive and still growing problem with obesity and follow-on heath conditions. It just escapes the eye of journalists since it mostly affects regions that are not that prominently present on TV. The villains are plant seed oils, and wheat.

Thats why I say: avoid plant seed oils completely, all of them, and cut down carbs as much as you feel you can "sacrifice" over time without killing your compliance. Carb-stuff is tasty, that is the rub, isn't it, giving it up is not all that easy. So dont give it up, but cut it down significantly. Have carb-freee days, or complete fastening days. Its not as difficult as it sounds. And no, you do not start to digest your own muscles that way, that is nonsense. Oh boy, doctors of the world, please get back to your senses. I recommend Dr. Fung's lectures on this matter. He just rolls his eyes when he is beign told or asked for stuff like this. Its in this thread, somewhere above this post, early last year I think.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 02-02-23 at 08:43 AM.
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