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Old 11-09-22, 06:12 PM   #7
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Default Which graphics chip is being used?

Modern Intel based laptops with nvidia cards offer the choice between running 3d graphics on the Intel integrated graphics or the nvidia chips. Either will cope with SH3, but it may be that the ancient SH3 code is confusing the poor beastie's auto switching logic. Have a look on Nvidia control panel, there should be some settings to play with.
I can't really help any more as I sacked Windows years ago and run SH3 on Linux (on a very old i3 laptop!). The graphics switching used to be a pain on linux at first until some folks fixed it. I always found nvidia chips on laptops cause the whole thing to overheat, so gains in graphics speed were largely lost because the processor throttled; this would be especially true on SH3 where one processor thread is being thrashed to death. I hope your device has a nice big noisy fan.
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