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Old 11-06-22, 11:58 PM   #1
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Default How to succeed in NYGM tonnage war? Tutorial or manual?

So I installed it and am trying to wrap my head around the navigational and tdc tools in the mod. There doesn't seem to be you normal stuff like the standimeter on any of the subs. So you need to use the raobf wheel. Which I kind of get, except for getting speed at angles. Not sure what all the german charts are meant for. Is there somewhere i can learn? I tried Google and YouTube but not much material to learn how to employ the charts and nav tools to best effect. Any point in the right direction would be appreciated.

Did uboats not have standimeters?

Super hard. Fun when I land a hit, but messing up hitting my initial attack positions and pretty inaccurate with the torpedoes beyond 600m.
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