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Old 09-10-22, 03:09 PM   #7
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The license for upgrade to 4.3 did not end up on the dongle, for whatever a reason, it is only "activated", somewhere in the web, but the dongle's licenses are only recognised until the older ones I bought earlier. At last thats how I try to make sense of it.

Old scnearios from pre-4.0 need their maps beign converted, and that tool again is anything but convenient and I just found that my older reinstallation (pre-4.3) now suffers from this, too, giving me even more need to invest plenty of time just to convert a single scenario into a playable state.

Or download, one by one, new ones (and edit them to my needs and likings). Thats is a valid option and probably the defence they would make. I hav e not tried it. I was so angry and busy that it did not came to my mind to try that.

So i think I will go back with another installation and back to version 2.670 or something in that range. That was when I was very busy with the game years ago, when modders where around a lot, and the sim community was alive and busy. Thats the stuff I am familiar with, the sim status I knew well. It seesm that with the arrival of version 3 and then 4, the forum of theirs, the online community and all that declined in members and activities, and I now see why. It has lost accessability and became too complicated to handle and maintain, I think. I lost track of it during version 3 (they had no payment options useful for me back then, so i was forced to skip on versions 3.x), for severla years, and was away from the sim for some years. It now may have gotten all the features demanded, but I am driven away by how complicated it has beocme to manage.

In other words, I rapidly loose both patience and interest. They may suit their professional customers on whcih the ymust focus on anyway, but I also have the impression they have lost many of their private playing customers.

I could write some scenarios for my own use again, but I am not interested in that anymore. 16 years have passed, I mean. I have changed. So last try tomorrow for me with installing 2.x again.

Why must things always turn ever more complicated all life long... Its becoming tiresome!
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