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Old 09-05-22, 01:17 PM   #55
Kapitan.z.S Hartmann
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9.4.1940 Barents Sea 71°21'N, 17°30'E 69th day at sea

Schiff 19 returns to the area off Bear Island, During the cruise from the Kara Sea to the Bear Island Schiff 19 came across 32 Soviet freighters and tankers. Schiff 19 continues to hunt enemy merchant ships the raider stopped 21 Norwegian, Swedish, and Dutch vessels of which 8 were sunk and 3 were taken prize including the Norwegian tanker “KNUDSEN” 10,200 grt which carried over 13000 t of diesel fuel was ordered to Jan Mayern Island for use as Schiff 19’s supply ship.

The remaining ships were released after a thorough search of their cargos ports of destinations and departures. Schiff 19 is scheduled to be off her operational area by the 13th and begin operations which will last 7 days.
Today, While operating off the approaches to Narvik Schiff 19 sighted smoke columns and immediately turned away this was the beginning of the first Battle of Narvik, Hartmann ordered 2 x A.K. the ship was now plowing the seas at 18.5 knots however a single smoke column approaches with great speed and is soon identified as a single destroyer. Schiff 19 still disguised as a Soviet auxiliary ship maintained course towards the northeast speed reduced to 10 knots, crew to action station, and camouflage party to stations. The warship is identified as an H-Class destroyer, the H.M.S. Hearty 1,250 grt the warship armed with 4 x 4in guns signaled us to stop and not use wireless, Kapitan.z.S Hartmann orders that the Soviet flag hoisted and signals “KOSMONOV” St. Petersburg to Murmansk the destroyer closes to a range of 1200m and stops. The guns are not trained nor is anyone on deck only a few are seen on the bridge and the upper control position. While the destroyer launches a boat Kapitan.z.S Hartmann orders to run up the war flag and port artillery and torpedo tubes to drop camouflage and open fire! 3 G7v torpedoes and 4 x 15cm salvos surprise the destroyer of the 3 torpedoes launched 2 torpedoes hit causing a large explosion. The destroyer immediately heels to starboard and begins to sink.

On the bridge Kapitan.z.S Hartmann orders Halt battery Halt!, Hard to starboard! 2 x A.K.! Schiff 19 speeds away from the sinking destroyer 3 hours later the raider returns and picks up 1 officer and 2 ratings. They were taken to the ship’s hospital for treatment. Schiff 19 now moves towards Bear Island; the radio officer reports that the destroyer was being called by another warship D/F’d 225° range estimated at 19km. During the engagement no radio message was transmitted by the destroyer.

Kapitan.z.S Hartmann and the Navigation Officer Oblt.z.S Neumann choose to anchor off South Cape Island for a few days as now Schiff 19 was being hunted by at least 2 warships. The ship’s camouflage was slightly altered by painting the red band on the funnel blue and building an additional deckhouse on the boat deck. The raider now sails as the Soviet Research Ship “ROSSKOVO” 7,780 grt KLTV homeport Murmansk and is in transit to launch another raid on merchant shipping between Norway and England.

Sunk between Narvik and Bear Island

“” Destroyer H.M.S. “Hearty” 1,250 grt
“” Freighter “TAMPICO” 4,869 grt
“” Freighter “VENEZUELA” 5,125 grt
“” Freighter “ATLANTIC” 3,325 grt
“” Tanker “KETTY OSLO” 6,562 grt
“” Freighter “ROTTERDAM” 8,202 grt
“” Freighter “HONG KONG” 3,300 grt
“” Tanker “STAVERDEN” 5,800 grt
“” Freighter “CEYLON” 7,100 grt
“” Freighter “GEORGIA” 4,473 grt
Taken prize:
“” Tanker “KNUDSEN” 10,200 grt
“” Tanker “OLE HANSEN” 8,800 grt

"The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him" Sun Tzu

Kapitan.z.S Hartmann's (U-35,U-46-U-204-U-332-U-256-U-293, U-838, U-830, U-834, U-1188, U-1180, U-835, U-840, U-839, Schiff 44 “AFRIKA”, Schiff 77 "Stortebecker", "Schiff 66 "WOLF", Schiff 19, Schiff 30) motto: Eastward Ho!
"Be more aggressive"

Schiff 30 wird sie alle versenken!

Last edited by CPTLTJASON; 09-05-22 at 01:40 PM.
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