Thread: [REL] Dark Waters
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Old 08-02-22, 07:30 AM   #1556
Posts: n/a

After a really long long time of shaping up my DW install, I could finally set my type IX for some action.

First patrol was quite boring, but the second one gave me this present: a British battleship slightly ahead of an otherwise apparently unescorted convoy next to the Portuguese coast (Gibraltar-UK).

Why was the battleship miles ahead of the convoy? No idea. I've checked the convoy layers and the battleship was supposed to be part of the convoy . Anyway, I just couldn't let it get through... Fired a full bow-tubes salvo and:

All four hit. It rolled and sank just like that HMS Barham sinking movie we've all seen, but without the final explosion

I think it's the biggest ship I've bagged in a campaign since I started playing this game +30k tons

One thing i've noticed is the large amount of neutral ships in the British convoys in 1939. I've met a few ones of about 20-30 merchants, and more than half were ships of nations that were neutral at that point of the war (Greece, Netherlands, Panama, Norway). Far too many, in my opinion.
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