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Old 05-23-22, 01:15 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Threadfin View Post
I'll run a race in RR and see what I think. Can you put AI in MP races in RR?
Dont know from own experience, but I think yes.

Know what the adaptive AI function is about.

It does not adapt within a race, but from race to race, tuning the setting up and down but in smaller and smaller intervals, per track, and I think per car class. That means you can get a weak AI in first race, a too strong one in the next on that track, a moderate in the third, and then maybe a matching one in the fourth. You get the idea. But relevant is always just the second lap of a race (the first full lap). So make sure that one is a clean one, no off-track, no contacts, everything fine and legal. You could quickly tune things by doing two laps in a race, and then break it off and start new.

I tried it years ago, it worked okay, but I ended up with returning to setting it manually, usually in the range of 97, 98, something like that. I do not/cannot slaughter the field, but must drive to my best abilities (which may be limited...), but can go with the flow in the centre of the action, having many duels in the middle of the field. Since it is AI, I do not care that much for winning, but for the fighting that leads me to the end of the ace, and hopefully in one piece and after having driven fightfully, but clean. Thats where I get my satisfaction from. My sense for competion was stronger when I was younger... They say the travel itself is the goal. Well, thats true here.

For trying things out it is better to use a fixed setting and see how it works. Say 95 or 98 or whatever matches your abilities.

The AI in RR years ago was more Klingon,i extremely liked it, it had the perfect frequency of unexpected events happening, too too many, not too few: AI breaking to late and needing to correct it, spinning out, or you whop ovber a hill and see two AI cars in the sandpit, and so forth. The AI was in a constantly angry mood... I think it was perfect, and I often rubbed my doors against theirs, so9me people'S endless compalints that tiem and agai n they get shgot off the track I sijply cnanot confirm, it happens EXTREMELY rarely, and it must eb years since it happened to me. I think driver'S owndroiving has muchz to do, if you leave the AI on the inside turn no space to breathe and no room to evade into, then it MUST contact you if the inside of the turn is a wall, right? But there are players who think even an overtakign attemnpt in a stupid situation must reward them and even player's excessive own driving must see the AI avoiding them by magic and miracle. Well, sector 3 has nevertheless tuned down the aggressiveness of AI events a bit, since many players complained, I think that are those players who race like maniacs and then complain about the AI slamming into them after they provoked an incident with their own too aggressive driving. These things happen still, you need to be on your guard, but they happen not as often anymore as I would like to see . Personally I have no issues with the AI slamming into me, on no track and in no cars. Since years it is like this.

And then there are those two or three AI drivers that stick like glue to you, and always have a comeback after you think you have left them behind. Then you look into the mirror and curse "Oh no, not him again..."
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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