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Old 07-15-06, 02:47 PM   #148
Ocean Warrior
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Hmm guess i should say something about myself

Name: Korey
Age: 32
Status: Single
Birth Sign: Taurus (if it matters to you)
Proffession: Computer Tech (hardware, networking, network/general security etc) currently but looking to do something else.
Born in: Montreal Canada
Current Location: Ottawa Canada

Hmm well what can i say about me that isnt my entire life story or read like some personal's advert in a newspaper/dating service

I tend to be a calm and relaxed person and it takes alot to tick me off, i like helping others, though i only tend to speak/post when i feel the need to (thats why i only have like 550ish posts in almost 5 years). Out of those posts i would say 70% of them are me helping someone with some game. I generaly dont tend to chit chat and i generaly hate small talk (talking for the sake of filling the void with inane useless chatter is one of my biggest pet peves).

Education wise i would say im about 99% self educated, i learned pretty much nothing from school (long story and one not worth getting into) having previously taught it to myself. I did complete highschool, never studied a day in my life, and almost never did homework either (i was stubborn and refused to waste my time on such pointless excersises). Now at 32 im looking to go to university, planning on getting a doctorate most likely in psychology.

As for gaming, my tastes are pretty varried, i guess thats why i ended up as the "Other Games" forums moderator. I played everything from PNP Dungeons and Dragons and other RPGs, Also various wargames particularly one who's name i forgot (it was a well known pnp modern naval wargame in the 80's, you could get the jane's reference books and take the stats from it and play the game, sort of like harpoon). As for video games, well i started playing them when they came out, from pong on up. My first subsim was of course Gato (use to play hours each day on that one, i ended up sinking every ship about 10 times and having to reset the sunk list), and i played most of the classics since gato (modern and ww2). I also play FPS games (realistic or not), MMO games, racing games, RPG games, and pretty much everything else but sports games (which i generaly dont care for.
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