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Old 03-03-22, 08:09 AM   #1524
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We must stop importing gas oil, coal, ore from Russia NOW. Even if it hurts us, and it will, and seriously. Germany, Europe, aemrica - all of our countries need to stop doing any business with them at all. Sperbank is still freed from the SWIFT boycott! Oligarchs are still allowed to escape much if not most of the sanctions!

We are still directly paying the Russian war machine.

If doing what I demand costs us dearly - well, we then have deserved it. nobody forced us to be stupid two decades long.

How much I hate and dispise Merkel, this stupid unscrupulous thing. A chain of utmost desatrous decisions by her that have ruined it for Germany. Have maximsed Germany's dependecies and weaknesses and vulnerabilities to unprecedented levels. Hubris - or a deep rooting dispising of Germany? Does it even matter? The results are the same.

She has systematically maximized German vulnerabilities and dependencies. She has placed Germany (and Europe) increasingly at the mercy of Turkey and Russia, building on Schröder's preparatory work in this regard. She has shut down nuclear power without a replacement. She has maximized Russian imports of gas and ore. Directed the largest migration of peoples in modern history to Germany and Europe. Ignored the inherent opposiiton of the newcomers to our values and culture and laws, marginalized the victims of this influx of also violent criminals and women-haters. Massively pushed the devaluation of purchasing power. Let Germany take over more and more debt liabilities of other countries. Without any opposition and ultimately with their wishes, let the rise of the ECB run its course and accelerated it further and further, while she lied to the Germans about it, and thus helped to establish the regime of net debtors over net payers. She watched the decline of the Bundeswehr idly, and encouraged it with senseless symbolic policies (Afghanistan, Mali) and let these missions run to avoid the debate about their failure. The French got out of Afghanistan in 2011 or 2012, when they said: it won't work, and they also admitted popintlessness in Mali and got out - the Germans are still hanging on, expensively and pointlessly, because the debate about the failure of the mission in Germany is being shied away from and therefore it is being allowed to continue pointlessly: it costs a fortune. And she practiced a mercilessly opportunistic blind faith in the effectiveness of treaties and the rationality of religious despots and political tyrants, and both are now falling on our feet with a crash and and overwhelming force.

Cursed uneducated power-hungry bumpkin. Why is she so celebrated all over the world? She belongs on trial for her string of country betrayals and proven incompetences. No chancellor before her has such a long list of disastrous mistakes, as Merkel. She is also largely to blame for the situation that now prevails between Germany and Putin; she has done everything possible to extend Germany's weakness vis-ā-vis Russia as far as possible. Just days after the invaison of the Crimea, Germany signed the contract for NordStream 2.

My goodness, I now have a bit more respect even for Baerbock after only 90 days than I could ever muster for Merkel in 16 years.

If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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