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Old 06-18-21, 07:42 PM   #168
Navy Seal
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Also wanted to put in my two pence about unorthodox pizza recipes; I live in Southern California and any food fad that comes along inevitably winds up as a pizza topping; things like pineapple, kale, jalapenos, tofu, and all other manner of cringe-worthy aberrations either originated in or was popularized across the nation, and the world, from the culinary hellhole that is Southern California; I am rather a pizza purist and the exotic, lunatic topping and/or sauce concoctions that seem to blaze across menus of pizza restaurants here do not have a place on my plate'; case in point, there was a NY style pizza place in Downtown LA that, for decades, served up the best, fundamentalist pizzas in the city, no pineapples, kale, tofu or any other nonsense; the place was basically a hole in the wall in the ground floor of an older office building and was always full and extremely popular with the office workers and blue collar worker in DTLA; however, DTLA started to gent gentrified, with 'loft lifers' proliferating, and the owners of the building got greedy and decided to raise the rents on their business tenants by whopping amounts and the pizza place was forced to close; the building owner leased to space to a trendy "everything-but-the-kitchen-sink-toppings" pizza restaurant, which lasted only as long as their trendiness did, a matter of a couple of years...

So, the basic pizza joint was a decades long, successful, venture and the trendy flavor-of-the-month 'ristorante' died the death; in the years since the original pizza joint closed up, the space has been the home to a long parade of failed eateries, many of whom I'd be willing to bet left behind considerable unpaid rent as they closed their doors; the building owner must be so proud of his shrewd business sense...

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