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Old 01-22-21, 11:25 AM   #13312
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
This is it, it is all about human perception and an imagined social vision that is a made-up construction, and a screwed up one for anyone/thing else. As if squids created borders and passports to "cross" them. "Nations" are an entirely human brain concept, and thus equally ridiculous.

(B.t.w. since some Americans seem to have a problem with understanding or listening: Behaving "social" has nothing to do with "socialism", or "socialistic". E.g. the "Social-democratic party" in Germany is "social" and "democratic" inasfar as behaviour, social contacts, wellbeing and welfare have a priority, it is still very "capitalist"; equally the "Christian democratic Union" is basically a "social" party.
The meaning of "social" is a bit different in e.g. India or England, where it more relates to social classes being institutionalised, again a very human concept. One ape or group of apes is better that another, because of made-up reasons to justify being better off or at least different than others.
(Now England just missed the opportunity to become a member of the 20 planets union with brexit, so be it. I expect humans to be very astonished in a hundred years from now)

Is it a human's conscious decision to be born 200 meters left or right from an artificial "border", and then be "proud" and "patriotic" that this being was born at this place, and not 400 meters elsewhere? Oskar awards = one chimpanzee handing a stick to another, and the latter is sooo proud. Primate behaviour, where the word "primate" is already ridiculous.

I think a lot of Americans get tripped up on that word socialism because of old animosities and propaganda from the cold war era. Couple that with no real desire to look beyond the headline or learn anything for themselves. It just snowballs into a battle of egos and tit for tat online arguments. What I think many fail to understand is that just because some program has the word social in it doesn't mean you can accuse it of being Socialism. Take for instance helping the poor or starving. We the people have a responsibility by either directly or through legislation and tax to establish social programs to help them. Private or government 'social programs' are NOT in any shape a form of Socialism as defined by Karl Marx.

IMO only thing that comes close to Socialism is property. Think about it, we own nothing, the state owns it all. Stop paying your real property tax and watch how fast they swoop in and take it from you and put it up for community auction. But hey they gotta pay for those social programs somehow I guess.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

Let's assume I'm right, it'll save time.

Last edited by Rockstar; 01-22-21 at 01:19 PM.
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