Thread: useless facts
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Old 01-22-21, 07:33 AM   #223
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by Jimbuna View Post
Movie trailers got their name because they were originally shown after the movie.

The trend, started in the 80s, of sticking on brief scenes onto the end of, or within, the closing credits of films was started because filmmakers and, particularly, film unions and guilds, were annoyed audiences were routinely leaving theaters immediately after the end of the films without staying to read the credits and seeing who was responsible for the behind the scenes efforts to make the films; while this might at first seem to be nothing much more than, perhaps, ego-stroking of those individuals involved, it should be noted an awful lot of the reputation and visibility of the off-camera workers is by word-of-mouth and by having their name associated with a successful and/or noteworthy film; if you look back at early films, the endings were very abrupt, usually little more than "The End" and, maybe, a studio logo; in the days of the old studio system in Hollywood, the studios were not eager to lose staff who excelled to other studios, so there was a sort of unwritten rule to keep the identities of off-camera staff hidden; later years saw the collapse of the major studio system and the push by guilds to get on-screen credits for their members, with the nature and extent of the credits becoming a standard part of the guild contracts; so, the next time you sit in a theater restlessly watching the seemingly endless credits roll by while waiting to see if there is a 'tag scene' in or at the end of the credits, know that it is mainly a means of ensuring the 'résumé' of those people might be seen by potential employers...

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